Making wise decisions

There are so many choices that families have to make in today's culture. With technology moving rapidly and all things becoming more accessible, what should be our response to these choices?

One of the biggest questions that I encourage students to ask in any situation is, "Is this the wise thing to do?"

Many times I get the question, " what is wrong with this movie...?" Along with many other questions that arise. I could simply respond with my thoughts, background, preferences, etc. The simple response to this question, should be a question in return...pointed towards the heart. Leading students to make wise decisions must begin with them finding truth through asking the right questions.

Instead of, "What is wrong with it?" We should pursue this question, "What is right with it?"

I'm convinced that God is working in the lives of students. As leaders, we need to encourage them to pursue godly wisdom in life's decisions.

Here are a few websites that me and Cassidy use often in our decision-making progress:

Plugged-in Online - Christian media reviews (I use this many times per week)

CPYU - Center for Parent and Youth Understanding: Great tool to stay current on youth culture. Parents, you need to sign up for the e-news.

What about you? I'd like to know your thoughts?