Update on life...

Wow, summer is really flying by! It has been awesome being married, it has been almost a month this Saturday! I'm taking the students to camp this next week to Student Life Camp and I pray that God just invades hearts and brings us to worship Him. I've done camp for many years and a hard part of camp is coming home and seeing a once excited group get less excited about the Lord. We are trying a new approach this year with leaders building relationships with the students through specific questions and using it as a way to follow-up with them after camp.

Please pray for salvation. Please pray for surrender. Please pray for encouragement and love that each student experiences. We are taking 53 to camp this year and there's quite a few new faces so I pray that many lives are changed through relationships, God's Word and worship.

As for me, I'm doing well. Just got a Xbox 360 and have enjoyed it! haha, its okay...I know I'm a nerd.

As for later today and this weekend...we are supposed to be getting surf from Hurricane BERTHA! Can't wait to get wet.

As for what God is teaching me right now...Matthew 9:23-27 has hit me hard. A lot of the time I am like the disciples and look at the storms of life and say, "we are perishing!" God continues to show me that no matter what storms of life I'm in, he is able to be the sustainer of my life. I can hear Jesus' voice, "Josh...why are you afraid, O you of little faith..."

As I learn how much I need Jesus daily...my desire is to have the faith that moves mountains.

He simply is all we need. He is not only the Savior, but the Healer.

Watch this video. The guy who is singing has terminal cancer. So powerful! It brings me to tears each time through the powerful words on the power of Jesus.

Please continue to pray for my brother, Jordan. He is heading with my family to Duke university to receive treatment and help for his battle with cancer.
