Orlando Youth Conference

We had a great time at church today. It was great to begin two services here at Celebration Baptist Church. I thought it went really smooth. I'm looking forward to the future of what God has in store for the church to reach this community for Christ. I'm stoked...I just arrived here in Orlando for the Youth Pastor Summit. It is a free youth pastor conference put on by SLU (Student Leadership University). I'm so thankful that I get to be here and learn from some great leaders.

More importantly...

What I'm most in need for is a fresh word from the Lord. Life has been quite busy lately with a wedding coming up in a few months, youth ministry, trying to find a place to live in June, etc...

I am at a point in my life that God is showing me that my faith needs to be stretched. I am realizing that I must become focused on grabbing a hold of God's heart each and every day. For those of you who might relate to how busy one can get in ministry and all the while miss sitting at the feet of Jesus.

I don't know about you (for those few people that actually read my blog) but I need to listen more. Listen and follow God's Spirit.

This truth has resonated a lot to me lately...

Ministry doesn't need to be first in my life.

My relationship with Jesus needs to be first and foremost in my life.

Anybody want to throw in their "two cents?"