I'm passionate about discipleship. I have heard many definitions of what discipleship entails. Let me throw in my two cents.
I believe that people were created for relationship. Life is more than us on earth, we are created for an eternal relationship with God. This is what brings true substance to the question of, "why am I here?"
With that said, I want to speak from the heart as a student pastor. It breaks my heart to the many people who do not have peace through Christ.
Why do I say this? Discipleship is messy. It is not just a 101 class or a book we read. Sure, those are great ways to learn.
Discipleship is messy because we are sinners. We are not good. Let that sink in...The culture we live in promotes self. We must stay counter-culture to this, but many won't like it. We are good because we are in Christ.
Discipleship is simply cleaning up the mess.
Many approaches to discipleship is to win them and let someone else train them. Sure, it sounds good but it is not biblical. We must be sure that when we share with them we make time to disciple them.
How do we improve in discipling others?
(1) We must meet people at their point of need. We must listen, James 1:19 is one of my "life verses"...it says, "let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak..." We must listen with our hearts and not just our ears.
(2) We must live by example - be real...Jesus did not change, check out John 6:60-71.
(3) Keep building relationships - true influence and life-change happens when people connect in personal relationships built on Jesus Christ.
Here's a few passages to check out...Matthew 28:19-20, Philippians 2:12, 1 Timothy 4:15
I'd like to hear your two cents on discipleship?