I'm having a blast with up here in Greenville, SC. Getting to see my little brother Jordan was really good. I appreciate the prayers for him, he is really handling the cancer in his leg very well. I do not understand why God has allowed this to happen to him, but I know Jordan's faith is strong in Jesus.
As a family we have never dealt with this, we've known people that have had cancer and all...but what I am seeing is a 20 yr old guy (athlete for North Greenville University Basketball) trusting in God. Jordan has had 5 surgeries and is now undergoing chemo-therapy. He is home now and I'm blessed to be with him and my family over thanksgiving. I'm blessed to have parents/brothers that are clinging onto God right now.
Even though I'm pretty frustrated with his situation, I am thankful on this Thanksgiving week of the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus knows suffering, pain, frustration, the question of, "why?"...
Nothing is too big for God. Please pray for Jordan and that God would be glorified through this situation and his life.