pumped up...

Last night at Elevate it was awesome to see God work in the youth group. I'm still reminded that when God's Spirit moves, any wall can come down. My prayer is that students lives to be changed and desire Jesus more than anything else. God is so good. I just have to say...one of my best friends is getting married this Saturday! I'm really excited to see him and my brother and all my friends from college. My brother will be in Jacksonville this weekend and we'll get to hang out and all. It will be good times. I just remember the times when we were at college and all we had to worry about was going to class and when to eat in the cafeteria...now we are all spread out at churches, seminary or working. It will be a blast to see them again and have fun.

Reminder...SKI TRIP DEPOSIT DUE SUNDAY!!!! $50...Lock in your spot, we only have limited space!!!!!