Elevate students info...

Here is some important info for you all! Elevate this week is going to be awesome! Be there at 6:30, we are going to have a great big group game...it will be memorable. We are starting a new series on "Storms of Life" and we will be learning about Noah and the Flood. We will answer questions of, "Is there proof to the Flood?" We will dive into understanding why we believe in Christ and how to understand the world and the skeptics. It will be great, so bring your friends that need encouragement and a word from God.

This saturday at 7pm! Endless Summer Rock Show!! whoo hooo! It is going to be sweet. I've already talked with the bands and they are pumped. Encourage students to come to this in the Worship Center. We will have it set up for a great night! Make sure you do not miss out on this!! I'm praying that many students will be touched with the love of God on Saturday night. If you want to help out, please let me know!

Ski Trip deposit...We only have 58 spots for the trip. You must have you $50 deposit on October 14th! Make sure you remember! The cost of the trip will be $300 a person. We are going to Winterplace, West Virginia. We are riding in a charter bus up to the slopes, it has tv's and a bathroom. Remember, if you are inviting friends to this trip, they need to have their deposit in by October 14th! It is your job to remind them and get the money in on time! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Just wanted to give you a heads up on all of this! I'm excited about what God is doing in the youth group! Please pray for the students and for them to become closer to God and each other!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Have an awesome day!

In Christ,

Josh Robinson