Hey...out there in blog-land. Just wanted to send out a few quick commercials.
Islands of Adventure is going to be sweet! August 9th!! Money is due this Sunday ($45). We are going to spend the day in Orlando, so it'll be a blast!
"Endless Summer Rock Show" will be on Saturday, October 6th! 5 local Christian bands will lead and it will be a great outreach the students around the community! Doors open at 6:30! Concert will be awesome and I hope to see a lot of un-churched students be a part and we can reach out to them and show them God's love. Definitly put this on your calendar!
I'm heading home to see family on Thursday, so i'm excited about hanging out with my three brothers...we'll do some surfing, hiking, fishing, make some videos...you know. Fun stuff! It has been a long time since I've gotten to hang out with everyone in my family. Please pray for my little brother Jordan, he is having surgery on his leg soon.
Did I mention that God has blessed me with a great family? I'm blessed beyond measure and definitly do not deserve all that God has done for me.
Keep praying that God would start a revival in the hearts of the students at Celebration Baptist and that we would impact Jacksonville for the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Encourage students to be a part of our Elevate services on Wednesday nights @ 6:30. It is an exciting worship experience for students! This wednesday night we will be talking about "True Forgiveness" in our series on Life Hurts...God Heals. See you there!