North Campus Serve Day!

Can you believe it is August already? As we look forward to the launch of the North Campus this January, we aren't waiting until then to be active in the community. The launch team that God is forming is excited to come alongside the community and show the love of Christ. We have over 35 people that want to come and serve! 

The Serve Day begins at 8:30am and ends at 12:00pm. We will have food provided for everyone, so please RSVP to me via email to let me know you are coming - 

I want to let you know of some of the projects that we will seek to accomplish at the Serve Day:

  • Bulletin boards - put paper and boarders on all (Principal Delay has all the supplies).
  • Teacher's lounge - we have a team of ladies working up a plan for re-designing the space and hope to accomplish some of it at the Serve Day.
  • Spread mulch in the courtyard - we need some of you to bring rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrow.
  • Landscaping on interior courtyards - again, need to bring gardening tools.
  • Organize goodie bags for teachers (Principal Delay will have the supplies).
  • Clean the items on the stage - not including the furniture.
  • Deliver boxes to classrooms.
  • Paint the exterior doors to the school and the exterior hand rails - the school will provide paint but we need to bring brushes.

As I sit and write this blog, I can recount multiple conversations with people who are passionate about beginning a new work in North Jacksonville. It is a blessing to be a part of how God is working behind the scenes as we prepare to launch. 

Please continue to pray for a great launch of the North Campus, it is much appreciated!