How to be a Coward


What is a coward? "A person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things," or "Excessively afraid of danger or pain (dictionary)." A coward is someone who lacks courage. We live in a culture that glorifies brutality, pride and selfishness. A real man of God is filled with courage. A courageous man will protect the lives of others. A coward looks only to protect themselves. How to be a coward:

1. Live in confusion. Constantly say, “what is wrong with it?” instead of "what is right with it?" Those who lead with wrong motives are mixed up on what is right or wrong. A coward is unable to find the truth because of fear of the consequences. Decisions are made on emotion and not on truth. A coward spends their day confused.

2. Always Criticize – A coward is always critical of authority. The coward will agree face to face but will go behind your back and talk negatively of you. A coward rebels against authority and mocks their parents. They put down others to uplift themselves. A coward never encourages others. A coward can find problems with everyone else and not themselves. A coward hurts others.

3. Compromise – They will take a shortcut at any cost to get AHEAD. A coward will do whatever it takes to make themselves look right in any situation.

To be courageous we have to go through trials and struggles. In Psalm 56:11 the psalmist writes, “In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point."  ~C.S. Lewis

We have a decision. Are we going to live in confusion, criticism and compromise? God has called us to not fear and trust in His power. The next blog post, we will look at what it looks like to be courageous!

What are your thoughts?