Do They Know Us By Our Love?


Right now, more than any other time of my life, I see the need for followers of Jesus to show His love. It seems that people are divided on just about everything. This past Sunday, I preached on, “unstoppable love.” Here are some recap thoughts from the sermon.

We live in a world that is confused about real love.
Jesus talked about how to love people, even those who are our enemies.

You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.
— Matthew 5:43-48

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you? Really, Jesus?
This was revolutionary.
This love that Jesus is talking about is agape love - an unfailing, never-ending type of love. As a follower of Jesus, I don’t choose who to love, just how. You have never met someone that you and I weren’t supposed to love.

Here are a few ways to love people like Jesus:

  • Realize opposition is my opportunity to love.
    When we face people who oppose us, according to Jesus, it is an opportunity to show them love. Loving our enemies reveals that God is our Father.

  • Pray for those who hurt you (Matthew 5:44).
    As Jesus was dying on the cross, He prayed for those who were torturing him, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." (Luke 23:34). Jesus prayed for his accusers!

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer (who was a Christian leader in Nazi Germany) in a great little book called “Life Together,” makes this point, “It’s really hard to hate somebody you pray for.

  • Move beyond just loving those who love you.
    As followers of Jesus, we no longer get to determine and choose who we love. Our job is to love the person in front of us.

  • Our love for others is the EVIDENCE of Christ in us (John 13:34-35)

    The extent to which we love one another validates and communicates our faith. Our call as followers of Christ - is to be the people - who show to the world - the nature of the God we serve.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
— 1 John 3:16

Challenge: What if we said, “Jesus, point out for me somebody who I disagree with, or somebody I just don’t like a whole lot, somebody who rubs me the wrong way, and give me a vision for what it looks like to love them this week.”

Listen to this past Sunday’s sermon below.

We're On The Move!

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In May 2016, my family and I moved back to Jacksonville to begin the process of starting Chets Creek's North Campus. We are learning this truth: When you trust God in faith your life will never be the same. We stepped out of our comfort zone in order to be a part of a new work here in North Jacksonville and began meeting with around 30 people in January 2017. Through the power of God and a wonderful group of spiritual pioneers, we have seen many people’s lives changed through Christ!

45 people baptized since we started on January 29, 2017.
• Averaging over 230 people in attendance in 2018. Easter we had 440 people!
• We have 55+ people who serve every Sunday on ministry teams!

A couple weeks ago, we announced that the North Campus is moving to Oceanway Middle School on June 3rd! We are excited for this transition and the way God has gone ahead of us to open these doors for Chets North. This move will help us grow and accomplish our vision in being a church for the unchurched, here and around the world. This happens because of our mission to know God and be changed by Him in a way that will change the world! 

• It is a bigger facility (more space for kids and adults!)
• It is a newer facility (more AC capability in the hot summer months!)
• We will have on-site storage (behind the stage and in the kid's area!)

Yes! We want to continue to give people more opportunities to worship and get into a LifeGroup.

Before Chets Creek's North Campus launched in January 2017, God led us into a great partnership with Sheffield Elementary School. We have been blessed by Sheffield's partnership and, as we have grown, we believe God is opening a new door of opportunity for the North Campus! This move allows us more space for people to connect to God and each other. Not only that, we look forward to partnering with both schools in the days ahead!

We are meeting at Sheffield Elementary school until May 27th. Join us as each Sunday at 9:00am and 10:30am for dynamic worship, relevant Bible teaching, and a fun and safe environment your kids will love! 

For more info: visit our website or follow us on instagram and facebook!

My Forever Valentine

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.
— Proverbs 18:22

Today is an extra special day. Why? I'm celebrating the fact that 10 years ago today, Cassidy said, "yes" to marry me! 


I decided to take Cassidy to the beach in Jacksonville, FL on a chilly, Valentine’s Day. I had bought the ring but I wanted to be creative in how I proposed. I bought an old bottle, a map and decided to write a love letter on it in “pirate language." I wrote the letter on map paper and buried it at Jacksonville beach.  We arrived at the beach around 5:00pm that day. As we spent time on the beach, I asked her if she wanted to build a sand castle.

We started digging and quickly we found a bottle buried in the sand. I awkwardly told her that it might be a pirate map from the 1700's! She opened up the map and read the note. The map included everywhere we had traveled together. When she looked up from reading the letter, I was on my knee and asked her if she would marry me (I didn't put the ring in the bottle, it was in my backpack). By God's grace, she said, "yes!" My life has been exponentially better since she said, "yes!" 


Cassidy is the greatest blessing in my life next to my relationship with God.
 - She is my best friend
 - She is an amazing mother to Micah, Hannah and Chloe
-  She is my teammate in serving God
 - She cares for people
 - She is passionate about worshipping God

 We left Jacksonville married and now have returned with three awesome children. I am grateful for God's incredible grace. 


Happy Valentine's Day Cassidy!