Experience Peace this Christmas

Christmas in today's culture is synonymous with crowds, busyness and feeling hurried. If you are like me, it seems as if this month is crazier than any other time of the year. 

We have the pressure to spend more money each Christmas and try not to miss out on anything and every Christmas tradition that we have had in the past or we hear about from others. 

Richard Foster wrote in his book Celebration of Discipline, “In contemporary society our Adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry, and crowds. If he can keep us engaged in ‘muchness’ and ‘manyness,’ he will rest satisfied.” At no time of the year is this observation a greater reality. Could it be that the crowds, the shopping, the incessant bell ringing and music playing, the increased numbers of activities, the fast-paced lifestyles are simply a ploy of Satan to keep us from the Savior?"

My goal this Christmas is to show as much love and peace to others as I can. You can't buy peace at the store. You can't find peace by being busy. You can't find peace by hurrying to the next event. Peace is found in the person of Jesus. Immanuel, God with us! 

“For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Rest in this truth. He is bigger than any struggle that you face. He is Peace! 

Merry Christmas! 

5 Apps I Use in Ministry

 Are you looking for a tool that you can use on a daily basis? Evernote is it or me. It helps me keep all of my ideas, plans and web clippings in one place. It can be accessed through my iPhone, iPad and macbook. You can save receipts by either scanning or taking a picture. It is my go-to for my ministry and life.  I use different "notebooks" to organize my thoughts and plans. 

 It provides the best way to complete tasks on a daily basis. It syncs to work with my phone and computer so I can access it anywhere. You can schedule when some items on the list need to be finished. You can share projects with others so it can be used as a team. I haven't utilized every aspect of this app, but it is an excellent tool to be productive. 

Planning Center
It is one of the best tools created for churches. I use it to plan out my series so that the musicians know the biblical direction of each teaching. You can schedule many types of volunteers so that you have one system to coordinate your services. It is by far one of the best programs for churches that are trying to simplify how they plan, coordinate and lead services. 

I love dropbox. As a multisite ministry, I use it on a daily basis. It helps coordinate files, graphics and video teaching for the campuses. Over the years of using dropbox, they have given me free space. I started with 2 gigs and now I have over 18 gigs for free. If you use it and share it, dropbox will give you space! 

Logos Bible Software 
I use Logos to study for each sermon. It contains an entire library of commentaries and books to help you study. If you are a communicator of God's Word, it is a valuable program to use. 

What apps do you use in ministry? Share in the comments below!