This Week's Message in 10 Tweets

We are in week 3 of the teaching series called, "Life."

We are in week 3 of the teaching series called, "Life."

1. You were created to become like Christ (Romans 8:29).

2. This whole idea of becoming like Christ doesn’t mean that you lose your personality. God created you to be unique.

3. It does mean taking on his values, attitudes, and character (Philippians 2:5).

4. Commit to God’s Way of Living (Ephesians 4:24). 

5. The goal of life is not for our comfort, but character development.

6. It is God who begins the change at Salvation and the Holy Spirit is who changes us daily (2 Corinthians 3:18). 

7. Obey God’s Word by applying it to my life.

8. Only the power of the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives.

9.   We have to REMAIN in Christ. Allow Him to work in and through our lives to shape us to become like Jesus (John 15:5). 

10. There is no overnight success stories. It is a lifelong journey of becoming more and more like Jesus.

To watch the messages from Source Student Ministry, check out the vimeo page. 

Jameis Winston and the Little Things

via US Presswire

via US Presswire

We all make small decisions each day. Some decisions are made in private and some in public. Jameis is one of the best college football players in the nation. I'm a Seminole fan, I know. I might be a little biased but I find his story interesting when it comes to life and leadership. He has won the Heisman trophy, the national championship, and has a great fastball in baseball. 

Jameis apparently shoplifted after walking out of a Tallahassee, Florida, supermarket without paying for $32 worth of crab legs. He was suspended from the baseball team until he completed 20 hours of community service, which turned out to be janitorial work.

For those of us in any leadership position, whether at a church, business, sports teams, the little things matter more than what happens publicly. If there is one thing that I hope Jameis learns through this stage of his life is that his character will eventually either bring him success or defeat. With all of the decisions he has made, it baffles me that the little things keep becoming big things. That is the truth when it comes to character. Small things matter. A lot.

Jameis, I hope you learn to build character into your life instead of simply trying to win football games. As much fun as I've had watching you play, I wish that you spend as much energy on your character. This is the little things. Focusing upon what matters most is directly tied to who you are on and off the field.

 The little things are big in any form of leadership. I need to be reminded and I'm sure you do too. 

P.S. Go Noles!