This Week's Message in 10 Tweets

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We are in week 1 of the teaching series called, "Change." The key Bible passage is John 14:6. 

1. A lot of people live everyday not sure of where their DIRECTION is.

2. Many are looking for a LIFE CHANGE but do not know where to  find it.

3. Only one road leads to salvation (1 Timothy 2:5-6).

4. Jesus makes plain that He, and He alone, is the path to God.  

5. Realize Jesus is plan A, there is no plan B

6. Jesus didn’t simply tell everyone that he was the way, He revealed that he is the way. 

7. The Way of Jesus is specific and clear (Matthew 7:13-14)

8. Since Jesus is the only way to salvation, our mission is to show the lost the Way. 

9. When someone is “lost”, it simple means that they haven’t experienced the forgiveness and love of Jesus. 

10. The scars on Jesus’ body attest to the price he paid to blaze that trail for us back to God.He points to his scars and says, "I am the way." 

Teaching Series Planning Template

If you are in ministry and you communicate God's Word, you probably try your best like I do to plan ahead. Teaching God's Word is a lot of fun and a lot of work.

I like to plan out at least 6 months on the big series ideas we are teaching in the student ministry. The next step is to work through the scripture, big teaching points and creative elements. 

Now that my church is moving to three campuses, I'm using an excel sheet to help coordinate what we are teaching. I wanted to share what I use to plan out the series so all the different people involved can look ahead and work together to creatively teach and minister to students. 

Download HERE. 

What is your planning process for teaching God's Word? Share in the comments below!