This Week's Message in 10 Tweets

"How to Read the Bible" was a stand alone message for our middle school students

1)  Every word of the Bible is God’s voice.

2) The way to know God’s heart is to read His Word. 

3)  Read the Bible until God speaks to you. 

4)  Understand “scripture interprets scripture” – Ever word is part of a sentence, sentence is part of a paragraph and so on.

5)  Ask the questions about the background of the scripture to understand the context. 

6) How do you live out what the verse(s) in your personal life?

7) Ask the question,  “How will I be different today because of what I have just read?”

8)  Write down specific prayer requests about your personal needs. 

9) Learn to feed yourself God's Word so you won't remain a spiritual infant. 

10) The greatest way to grow to become like Christ is to read and obey God's Word everyday. 


InstaLife Series Week 3 - Message in 10 Tweets

#instalife series – week 3 “#followback”The teaching from week 2 in 140 characters or less…

1) Recap of Week 2:  Life is not about drawing attention to self, but denying self to follow Jesus (Luke 9:23). 

2) Friends determine the direction of your life, so choose wisely. 

3) Who you follow closely in friendship will determine the quality and direction of your life.

4)The people who are closest to you have influence on your life. They help shape who you are. 

5) You and I can have lots of online friendships but still be isolated and lonely. 

6) Realize friends will either make you or break you  (Proverbs 13:20). 

7) Show me your close friends and it will reveal your future.

8) Be the kind of friend you want to have in your own life (Proverbs 17:17, 18:24). 

9) Real friends keep each other accountable (Proverbs 27:17, 27:6).  

10) Jesus is the best definition of a true friend: “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. 

To watch any of the series messages, check out vimeo