Waiting on Hannah Robinson

 I am growing more and more excited about Hannah coming into this world! God has taught me so much being a Dad over the past 18 months. My view of God has been shaped more by the way that I look at my son, Micah.

I love my son. He has been an incredible joy in our lives since September 4, 2012! As he grows everyday in every way, I am reminded of how precious and fast time flies!

As I think about welcoming a new baby girl into our family, I'm overwhelmed in a lot of ways. - Will I be the Dad I need to be for her? - Will she love Jesus more because of my example at home?

As the questions roll through my head, I'm reminded of God's still small voice reminding me that He is in control.

My prayer is that she experiences the grace and love of Jesus as she grows up. In fact, that is one of the main reasons we gave her the name, "Hannah."

We gave her Cassidy's middle name, "Leigh." I hope that she is just like her mother. I want her to love God and love people. I hope that her life is focused upon pouring out God's grace on others and leading them to find Jesus.

Hannah. Daddy loves you. I look forward to seeing you soon!


3 Tips to Build Community in Small Groups

Small groups are where people build community and grow in their relationship with God. I was reading today about how to build community in a book called, "The Big Book on Small Groups."  I wanted to share what I read in the building blocks of community chapter.

Check out the three foundational, rules of positive group communication: 

1. Gossip: Only speak about a group member when that member is present. When gossip is present, a group will fragment. When gossip is removed, group trust grows.

2. Confidentiality: What is spoken of in the group remains in the group. When confidentiality is destroyed, it hurts others. When it is kept private, students will express themselves more freely. But remember, if a student is harming themselves or someone else, we cannot keep that confidential.

3. Honesty: Every person, to the best of their ability, chooses to be honest. When people lie or mislead, an atmosphere of untruth permeates the group life; when trust is present, people grow in the faith and love for one another.

What would you add to the list to build community in small groups?