Events that Grow a Ministry

It was part of the plan. What I intended to happen was supposed to happen!

My goal was to help lead students to follow Christ, but why were there so many distractions to the event? Have you ever made plans that didn't work out like you originally planned? Have you ever felt the pressure to pack your calendar with events along with your weekly ministry in order to make everyone happy? What is your strategic planning process? When you hear someone talk about planning, what is your response? Are you a planner or are you more of a "fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants" person?

No matter where you fall in the love or hate side of planning, it is a huge part of leadership.

I have learned that having a packed calendar does not mean that I’m filling students spiritually. The “American Dream” of student ministry is to keep the students “motivated” from one event to another. My prayer is that students will learn that their relationship with God is ENOUGH for them to grow spiritually. Events help in this process but are not the goal. Events can not build relationships and keep students strengthened through the “roller coaster” school years.

Leading a movement of students does not just happen out of thin air. It is a continual, focused plan that originates from the mission to rescue people from their sin and into an eternal relationship with God. Everything flows out of a strategic plan where everything is filtered through the question, "does this lead us to where God wants us to go?"

I usually think of events just like an island. We go to the island for different events each year. At the island we find that it is the "only place" where we see our lives changed and we build God into a box. We think that if we go to the island, then we will discover God.

My question is, "Why not expect God to change lives in our weekly ministries?!"

Stop using events as the engine for spiritual growth and instead use it as an onramp to your ministry every week.

Keep the Main Strategy THE strategy

I believe that if we poured more energy and time into our weekly ministries than a few big events per year, we would see growth. Why? Because we are always looking for the next big thing when we can often neglect the students we minister to weekly. What is the purpose of going from event to event without a clear purpose. If we are thinking that we need to go find energy somewhere besides our ministries, this might reveal the need to go back to the dry erase board and write the question, "what is the vision of this student ministry?" You might not be able to pull off a performance the scale of a huge event, but what simple steps can you take to strategically make your ministry more meaningful to reaching students?

Practical Examples of Planning

Be sure to plan wisely around specific times of the year. Use momentum in your planning around spring, summer and fall. What is the best time to plan a discipleship retreat? How important is the mission trip in the summer? Why do you need to plan an event or two each month?

What is the purpose of the plans? What would you like to see happen at the end of the event. Plan with the end in mind. Avoid the pitfall of student ministries who plan to fill up a calendar to simply "keep the kids busy so they stay out of trouble." Know the purpose of planning so that you are making the most of the time you have with students. A few times of the year that it helps to plan events is around school getting out, starting and before and after holidays.

Questions to ask to continue the conversation:

How important is vision to the process of strategic planning? What are the top 3 plans that have worked well for your student ministry? Why? What are the top 3 plans that were not successful? Why? Do you think that the family today needs more events or more meaningful ministry at church?

6 Tips on Small Groups - xp3 Newsletter

xp3Small groups are vital to help students grow in their faith. Recently, xp3 highlighted a blog I wrote on small groups. If you haven't checked out xp3 and the Orange strategy for family ministry, please check it out! It is one of the best approaches to helping partner with parents in raising students who love Jesus!

Check out my post in the November xp3 newsletter! 

Source SM Recap: Volume #53

home_improvementSeries: Home ImprovementWeek 1: “Honor your Parents” The Word: Ephesians 6:1-3, Colossians 3:20 Main Thought: Honor opens the door to relationship with parents

Message Explanation: This series is all about helping improve the relationships in our families, because relationships in our families are two-sided. Today, we are going to talk about how to view and treat your parents. Families are not perfect. Even with all the weirdness happening, one thing that have in common is every family has disagreements and arguments and struggles to know and understand each other!

We all need to see improvement in our relationships in the home. We need to quit fighting AGAINST our parents and start fight FOR the relationship with them!

Ephesians 6:1-3: “Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord,for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.” 

The quality and even the length of our lives is connected to how we treat our parents. The idea behind the series is that relationships are two-sided - and it isn’t your job to just put up with your parents you need to learn to live with and love your parents. The essence of student ministry is to encourage you to become independently dependent on your relationship with Christ. Parents are a big part of this process.

1. Honor your parents in the way you obey

Obedience means to hear and be subject to them.  Obedience is action. Honor leads to long live because obedience builds self-discipline which brings stability and long lasting focus upon God.

Colossians 3:20:  “Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord.

There are no perfect parents and no perfect children.

How do I honor parents who are dishonorable? You are not responsible for the things your parents have done to you, but you are responsible for how you respond to them. If you do not learn to honor your parents and forgive them, you will become like them.

In order to have an alternative to the dysfunction of your family, you must do something different!

The second way to see improvement in your home is to…

 2. Honor your parents with your attitude

Honor carries with it “weight.” It is revealing obedience with your attitude. We appreciate their value in our lives for all that they due but for WHO they are. You place a HIGH VALUE on your parents.

The opposite of honoring in attitude is :

-      Putting them down in front of your friends. -      Yelling at them. -      Ungratefulness

Honor is in how we respond to our parents.

Proverbs 10:1: “A wise child brings joy to a father; a foolish child brings grief to a mother.” Proverbs 1:8-9: “My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.”

What about if I don’t want to be like my parents? What if they are abusive? Notice things in the family that are not Christ-like and live the alternative. Whatever you focus upon, whether it is good or bad, you are focusing upon it!

Honoring your parents is the same as honoring God.

3. Honoring parents leads you to become more like Jesus

Jesus and his family (Mary and Joseph) were in Jerusalem for the Passover. Passover was a one day feast, followed by a week long “Feast of unleavened bread.” Mary and Joseph left Jesus without being aware of it! They lost Jesus (v. 43-45)

Jesus was consumed with His relationship with God but He obeyed his earthly parents. Luke 2:51-52: Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart. 52 Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.”

The big question is are you opening the DOOR of relationship to your Parents or closing it? It is all about honor.

Element of Fun: We spent the beginning of Source welcoming our new student ministry worship pastor! We asked some fun questions to get to know him and his calling to serve God.

Music: One Thing Remains, Your Presence is Heaven to Me, How He Loves.

Favorite Moment: Welcome our newest staff addition to Source student ministry! John Strandell recently joined the student ministry as the worship pastor. I look forward to seeing how God continues to use Him!

What’s Next: We continue the series, “Home Improvement” as we talk about communication in the home.

To watch any of the series messages, check out the vimeo page