Source SM Recap: Volume #22

United-NightCurrent Series: “United Vision Night" Main Thought: Uniting Source to the vision to lead students to imitate Christ and influence the world. The Word: 2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 Timothy 4:12, Matthew 28:19-20.

Message explanation: We started 2013 with our vision of leading students to imitate Christ and influence the world with the gospel. We want to help students see that in order to be a student ministry (rather than just a group mentality) we need to have room in our hearts for people who need the love of Jesus.

I read this letter to the student to put it in perspective:

I was a visitor in your youth group a while ago. I only came once and I sat in the back, so you probably didn’t notice me. I’m not even sure why I went; I just heard about it and thought I’d check it out. It was an interesting service, a little different than what I was used to. You all seemed to be good friends with each other, but I felt like I was on the outside looking in. Oh, you came up and greeted me during the appropriate part of the service and most of you seemed sincere. But afterward no one sat with me or seemed to care. In my own way, I was trying to reach out for help. I probably looked a little tough by the way I dressed; maybe I intimidated you. But I wish one of you would’ve tried to get to know me. Instead I saw you sitting with your friends, having a good time. I never came back. I’m sure you didn’t notice.

Sincerely, The Visitor

Source student ministry exists to lead students to Jesus, connect them to the Church @ The Springs, help them grow in their faith, and challenge them to influence the world.

Goals for 2013:

Found people find people. Because we have been found by Jesus, we need to invest into relationships with others.

Growing students have room for more students. We want more students to know Jesus, but we want each person to be known, loved and cared for in small groups. Small group leaders are crucial in this process. They are another voice to help students navigate their struggles, questions and pain. Key words: Acceptance. Safe place. Openness. Encouragement. Support. Life change.

  Saved people serve people: Our mission is to lead students to serve others. Students are a part of Church @ The Springs. We should have so many students serving that when we are gone to camp, they will have a hard time filling the spots!

Element of Fun: We had leaders up front playing the cup stack game from minute to win it.

Music: Not Ashamed, Search My Heart, The Church, Revelation Song, Only to You, Your Presence is Heaven to Me (closing).

 Favorite Moment: One middle school student decided to follow in baptism! We emphasized three boards for students to write down their prayers and hopes for three areas in 2013. It was a moving experiences to read the boards and what students wrote down to pray for this new year! photo copy


What’s Next: We are starting our new series, "Awaken a Generation" through Isaiah 6:1-8!

Goals | 2013

goals-2013It is a new year! As we are reflecting on the 2012 becoming history, I wanted to share some of my goals for 2013. If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.

Spiritual Growth:

Spend time in the Word morning/evening reading and reflecting. Read a book each month to help me continue to grow. Keep a specific list of people and things to pray for daily.


Pour into my family with more passion. Be present when I'm home and limit distractions. Protect a night to date Cassidy. Plan ahead to take time off specifically to recharge and invest in Cassidy and Micah


Workout days in the morning 3x per week. Drink less caffeine and more water each day. Take a multivitamin and supplements daily.


Mentor leaders. I want to mentor volunteers and other student pastors. I want to encourage and help others become who God has called them to become. Begin writing my first book and finish by Fall 2013. (Praying about the title and main idea).

What goals do you have for 2013?



I love Christmas and New Year's. I like the cooler weather (at least sometimes here in central Florida). I am grateful for quality time with family and friends. Great food. A clear focus upon the greatest gift of all.

Jesus Christ.

I have spent some time reflecting on this past year.

Life is short. Time seems to go faster each year.

We made a major move to a new church in 2012. Transitions have always been a part of my life growing up as a pastor's son. Transitions have a way of shaping you and giving perspective. I am grateful for the people I've grown to love in the past and now where I serve in Ocala. I am overwhelmed with the steadfast grace of Jesus in my life. As I reflect on my last 9 years of ministry, I have learned to follow closely to God's vision for our lives. Crystal clear vision. To see as many people become followers of Christ as I can in the short span of life on earth. I believe we are right where God wants us. I'm grateful for a staff and church that is fulfilling God's vision here in central Florida. We are praying for God's greater vision for 2013! We are beginning a new student ministry at our Villages campus. I am relying on God's wisdom as we move to a multi-site student ministry!

My son Micah is over 3 months old and growing every moment. It seems like just a few weeks ago we were in the doctor's office hearing the news! I remember the days of prayer, worry and uncertainty if we could have children. I remember Cassidy's courage as she went through a procedure. I remember people praying. I remember days after Micah's birth that we heard he had a hole in his heart. I remember crying with Cassidy on the drive home from Gainesville. I remember countless people praying. I remember hearing the doctor tell us that his heart is healing. I remember God showing us that with Him nothing is impossible.

I'm looking forward to what God will bring in 2013!

What have you reflected upon this past year?

What do you want God to do through your life this new year?