The Wonder of the Cross

Broken. Hurt. Anger. Pride. Bitter. Gossip. Pain. Depression. Lust. These few words are a picture of the brokenness that surrounds us.

Why is there so much hurt? Why are their families in disarray? 

Humanity’s rhythm is broken: -Spiritually: We are disconnected from a relationship with God without Christ. -Physically: disease, aging, and physical death. -Socially: conflicts in relationships, broken homes, divorce, sexual abuse, -Emotionally: Anti-anxiety medicines, antidepressants, cutting, self-abuse. -Morally: Overflowing prison system, abortions, college scandals, sexual abuse, verbal abuse.

I want to go back in time. Back to the beginning. God created everything. Perfectly. He breathed the stars in existence and breathed life into mere dust and created man. He created people in His own image. Adam and Eve were in a perfect, harmonious relationship with God. One quick decision to disobey left the relationship and rhythm in disarray.

Since the fall of man, man has tried to find purpose. This is where Jesus enters in a small town in Bethlehem. In a dirty, humble and not so "silent night," The God of the universe put on flesh and bone and came on a rescue mission. His mission? To rescue humanity.

Jesus came with one end in mind. He endured a life of selfless ministry and finished with a cruel death by Roman crucifixion. It is a wonder that a perfect Savior would take my place on a cruel cross. Why? God is love. Simply.

The horrible cross became wonderful. God poured out His wrath on sin upon His only Son, Jesus. I marvel at the fact that God gave up His only son for us.

I will never get over this truth. The greatest story ever told. A perfect God comes to rescue broken mankind.

“The gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me.” Timothy Keller

I Need Jesus. We need Jesus. The world needs Jesus.

Source Student Ministry Vision


 Our vision decides where we go. Our strategy decides how we get there.

Vision:: Leading students to imitate Christ and influence the world Strategy:: Source student ministry exists to lead students to Jesus, connect them to the Church @ The Springs, help them grow in their faith, and challenge them to influence the world.

We are excited about the future of the student ministry at Church @ The Springs. We had a great parent vision night on Wednesday to communicate the upcoming changes to the ministry. Our goal was to communicate the main aspects of change for the student ministry. I started as the student pastor in May so I wanted to take at least three months to learn the heartbeat of the church.

 Below are the main talking points:

1. History:: We have looked over the past history of shifts from different days during the week for the student ministry to meet. We found that the students have met on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. As of right now, we have met only on Sunday evenings and I have noticed a lot of students on the weekend services that do not attend Source.

2. Research:: We have tried to look at the past and the ministry growth. We noticed a shift in different periods of the church and how the ministry was structured. We have talked to and learned from over 100 student ministries. We have asked parents and students through surveys to learn more about them as a family.

  • Springs Data
  • Parent Survey
  • Other Student Ministries
  • Barna Research: We want students to graduate INTO their faith and not OUT of their faith.

3. Best Opportunity to reach students:: We believe that a weekday is the best way to create an environment that helps lead students to imitate Christ and influence the world! Over 40,000 students reside in Marion County and we want Source to be a beacon of hope for the lost and hurting. We are actually renovating the Venue to accommodate over 300 students. Our best opportunity as a first encounter we believe is on Wednesday nights from 6:15-8:30pm. We want it to be a “Family ministry night” along with the preschool and children's ministries. We want to partner and help parents as they lead their own family. What happens at home is more important than what happens at church.

4. Structure:: We want to simplify the ministry to make the biggest impact for Jesus!

 What better way to communicate our new schedule than with a burger? 


New Source Schedule kicks off on August 8th @ 6:15pm in the Venue for 6th-12th grade students! 

Source Breakout Groups:  We value growing larger and smaller at the same time. (We value small groups). We value growing in small groups built upon love, encouragement and accountability (John 13:34-35, Matthew 9:12, 13, 36). On Wednesday night, breakout groups are for students to know each other and be known on the cornerstone of Christ.

ABS (Area Bible Study):: 9th-12th grade students When:: 7:00-9:00pm weeknights

Our vision is to have ABS all around the Ocala area for high school students to grow in their faith. Area Bible Study begins the week of September 9! ABS revolves mainly around school being in session. During the week, we want students to get plugged in at an Area Bible Study (ABS). ABS Small Groups are discipleship groups of anywhere between 10-30 students (co-ed) that meet in homes for a 3-part experience: fellowship, teaching groups and mentor groups. The first hour of each ABS gathering will be devoted to hanging out, interactive Bible study and the second hour will be for mentor groups.

Middle School “Habitudes”:: 6th-8th grade students When:: 9:30-10:45am Middle School big group and mentoring will be on Sunday mornings in The Venue. The group experience includes exciting team games and small group mentoring!  HABITUDES is a breakthrough way to teach leadership principles to students. Our passion is 5-6 students are mentored by an adult leader each week around tables in the Venue.


Source Website:: For more info on upcoming events check out the website! ParentLink Newsletter:: Parentlink is our primary way to inform, encourage and equip parents. Drive it Home: We give questions for students and parents to discuss the message at Source each Wednesday night.  Text list: text ʻjoin sourcesmʻ to 40650 Facebook Twitter Vimeo 

We have a short window to lead students to Jesus. Our passion is to team together with parents to make an eternal impact on our students so they live every moment for the glory of Jesus.

Download parent handouts: 

Burger Schedule Parent Handout #1 Parent Handout #2