Coming September 2012...

Baby Robinson! We are thankful that God answered our prayers! My mind has been racing. I no longer look at the children's section at the store in the same way!  We are nervous and excited about being parents. I hope to lead my child to love Jesus and serve Him.

One of my favorite passages of scripture is Psalm 139. God

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them" Psalm 139:13-16.

Read more about our journey into parenthood over at my wife's blog! 

Will you begin to pray for us?

The Missing Links in Student Ministry

I'm away at Student Life Urban Serve Mission Camp in Atlanta this week. I wanted to share my top visited blog posts a few times this week. Here is a blog post I wrote back in 2010. 

For the past 5 or so years I’ve had the privilege to be in student ministry. I have learned a lot since I jumped into ministry.

I thought I’d share a few missing links that I wish I knew when I started in ministry.

Expectations – I am learning to not have expectations. I know it sounds bad. I have learned to appreciate each staff I have worked with and appreciate their differences and personality. God has worked in my life to pray for and encourage those I serve alongside with in ministry. Life is too short to hold grudges or be critical of fellow ministers!

Relationship-driven ministry BEATS Event-driven ministry every time My tendency is to plan my calendar to be packed full of events. I have learned that having a packed calendar does not mean that I’m filling students spiritually. The “American Dream” of student ministry is to keep the students “motivated” from one event to another. My prayer is that students will learn that God’s Word is ENOUGH for them to grow spiritually. Events help in this process but are not the goal. Events can not build relationships and keep students strengthened through the “roller coaster” school years.

Focus on the students who want to become leaders. I spent a lot of time trying to convince/motivate/almost beg students (and parents) who did now want to surrender and follow Christ. I’m not talking about students who are un-churched, but the ones who are members. I find that the hardest people to lead are the ones who have been in church their entire lives and have become “numb” to the movement of God. Jesus set an example of investing in 12 disciples (only 11 graduated) and spent a majority of his time with Peter, James, and John. I’ve learned that I can speak and pray for students to follow Jesus, but at the end of the day they are going to have to make the decision! Disciple and train students to reach their friends and families for Christ and then SET THEM LOOSE!

- Encourage and Equip Parents – Parents are one of the missing links in student ministries in the past 10 years. At first I thought parents needed to “get with it!” Now I realize more and more that they are the main spiritual influences in their student’s lives. An ongoing issue that I deal with are parents who allow their 12-16 year old student  date whomever their student decides is “cute.” Parents need to set boundaries when it comes to relationships, media, and friends! If they do not set biblical convictions in the home, most of the time what message series we are talking about will not sink into their hearts.

- Mentoring – Relationships are the key component for students to learn how to live for Christ. I am changing up my plans to fit more students into my schedule. I plan on taking students with me when I go places. Simple steps to build relationships make an impact. Mentors in my life always spent time listening to my problems, needs, prayer requests and more. I pray that I can do a better job at this in the future.

Quality time with Cassidy – Ministry can be draining. Setting times to unwind and just talk to one another is a priority in our marriage. I have learned through experience that I must plan to make time for my wife or ministry will plan it for me. It is easy to “spiritualize” and spend all my time working and talking about ministry. The problem is that my main calling is to lead my family spiritually! If that fails, then it is a domino effect on ministry. My prayer is that I will do a better job of loving my wife (like Christ loves the church) and serving God together!

Thoughts on Spiritual Growth

I'm away at Student Life Urban Serve Mission Camp in Atlanta this week. I wanted to share my top visited blog posts a few times this week. Here is a post I wrote on spiritual growth last year. 

Spiritual growth happens when disciplines are put in place to focus upon becoming like Christ. God has shown me that it is easy to become distracted with being “busy” and miss out on the joy of intentional focus upon God’s Word and prayer. Spiritual formation is much more than a class, but a daily walk with God. My goal is to become a better man of God personally so that I can impact more people publicly. Pharisees focus upon Spiritual growth as retaining knowledge. God’s Word is not meant only for information but transformation of hearts and lives! Spiritually mature people help those far from God know about the gospel through their words, actions, and attitudes! Spiritual growth leads a person from the bench and plugs them into the action of loving and reaching people that need the love of Christ.

Another area of my life I plan to grow in is to spend more time praying with my wife. Although we lead in ministry together, we can never get too busy ministering to others that we miss out on caring for each other. My prayer is that I will be a better spiritual leader in my marriage and one day my children. Spiritual disciplines are the heartbeat of growing to become like Christ. Without filling our hearts and minds with God’s Word and prayer, we can easily become swayed by the tide of the our “prayerless” culture.

The last aspect is to simply trust God in each decision and situation in life. God is strong enough to carry our burdens. Over the past three years I have been through extreme low times and extreme exciting times. God is showing me that He stays consistent with His provision, love and mercy. Knowing who God is fuels my desire to become more like Him. Spiritual growth is the process of becoming and living for Christ in all areas of life!

Discover. Grow. Go.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)