Health is a Lifestyle

Over the past 3 years, my health has been all over the place. No, I haven't "let myself go" too much and gained a lot of weight, but I have lost sight of what it means to be healthy. Over the past 3 weeks I have returned to the gym to run, bike and lift weights. Health is a lifestyle. I'm learning this more and more as I am getting older. It is much more than a diet, or counting calories or even exercise.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

Food: I love eating junk food. Over the past year I have tried to cut out a lot of coke, cookies, candy and other wonderful tasting food! One reason I have started replacing junk food is because of how it started to affect my health and fitness. I have learned that simply drinking more water and eating protein enriched foods help me feel better. One reason I have begun taking my health more seriously is due to being diagnosed with crohn's disease. Food plays a big role in how we feel whether the doctors tell us they do or not! I have had doctors tell me that I could eat whatever I want! Not really good advice there doc!

Exercise: If we are honest, most people do not exercise. I have made a commitment to workout (run, bike, weights) every week because I want to be in good health. I realized how quickly I lost my desire to exercise when the "busyness" of being in full-time ministry begun. Exercise is a conscious decision to do it even when we do not feel like it. It has been a blast to go and workout with my wife! We have committed together to encourage each other to go to the gym and push ourselves to be in good health. The goal is overall health, not to be overly indulged in drawing attention to self (like some of the "steroid guys" in the gym).

Mental Health: Stress definitely does not help improve our health! For those out there that are in the ministry, you know that stress is an ongoing struggle to manage. To be honest, this is an area of my life I struggle. I tend to "over-think" situations and it leads to stress and worry. I have begun to journal again on a regular basis. Journaling creates an opportunity to lay out my heart to God. I have found that I must continually surrender my finances, desires, struggles and prayers to God. The key is continually!

"A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones." Proverbs 14:30 (NLT).

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

Health is important because our mission on earth is important! To glorify God with our lives and help others come to know Christ!


Legacy: Faithful to the call of God


Legacy is a word that I do not usually hear on a regular basis. As I talk with students, the words I usually hear is 'abandonment, divorce, cheating, abuse, and pain.' What is going to be the result of a generation that is basically over 40% of students do not have a Father in their life? Many say that it will be catastrophic. I believe that through the grace of Christ we can see students who have not seen a legacy of faith in God overcome it! I am already encouraged by stories of students learning to love their parents despite the pain and pray for their salvation. That is a legacy in the making!

[gallery order="DESC" columns="2"] My father has already shown me what it means to be faithful to the call of God. He raised me and my three brothers, Jeff, Jordan and Justin to be focused upon the gospel of Christ. Many times growing up I was frustrated at why being a pastor's son was so difficult. We had expectations from people in the church that were hard to live up too. I remember telling myself I would not want to be in the ministry due to dealing with mean people within the church. The ironic part is that I'm serving in the ministry! God has a great sense of humor. What I learned from My Dad (and continue too) that "success" is not about being a well-known speaker, writer or pastor. It is being faithful to loving people enough to share the life changing gospel of Christ. My Dad has a living legacy that has impacted a multitude of people. He has been faithful in the little things! - Sharing the gospel outside of church (and sermons) - Being faithful to my Mom - Walking the talk - Investing in his family (integrity - children will know if you are the real deal or not).

I'm grateful for my Father's ongoing encouragement to me. I realize that I'm blessed beyond what I deserve. The legacy that he has shown me is a direct result of the life changing love of Christ.

What is Sin?

Sin is literally to “miss the mark” that God has set for us, which is perfection. The reality is that sin is in the very nature of man and cannot be changed by good deeds or attitude. The statement that sin is a failure to let God be God is not true completely, in the essence of the definition of sin. Sin is the breaking of God’s law and the very reason Jesus went to the cross. The relationship between man and God is severed because of Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden. We are hopeless and separated from Christ. When a person sees their sin in light of the cross, they will realize why they need to be saved by Christ.

Many people today do not like to think of themselves as bad or sinful. Postmodern relativism is running rampant in today’s culture. Truth is based upon feelings, opinions and comparison. I have dealt with many students that have a hard time grasping the depth of sin and the need for salvation. Many compare themselves to each other and base their spiritual lives upon man’s standards. The truth is to always measure our lives to God and His word. The Bible is clear that we are to “be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have” (1 Peter 3:15), but at times we do not finish the verse, “but do this with gentleness and reverence.” It is our job to explain the gospel, need for salvation because of our sin and let the Holy Spirit draw them under conviction. When this happens, God’s grace becomes real and lives are changed. It will continue to get harder to share the truth of sin with this generation, but the focus must always stay on the finished work of Jesus on the cross! The only way to be in right standing with God is through a relationship with Jesus Christ!