
Launch Week 4 - Message in 10 Tweets

#launchseries - week 4 "Building Community"The teaching from week 4 in 140 characters or less...

1) Following Christ was not meant to be on our own, but in a community.

2) Adam was alone and God said that it was “not good for man to be alone!” God created Eve for relationship with Adam.

3) True fellowship happens when we care for each other’s needs (Acts 2:41-47).

4) The church community is a people, not a building.

5) Jesus was willing to get messy to bridge the gap to God.

6) Building community grows unity as you serve Jesus together.

7) God created us to need other people.

8) We are giving an opportunity for you to learn to share the love of Christ with OTHERS as small groups

9) The most important part of community is the mission to make disciples.

10) We need community to fully see who God desires us to be.

To watch any of the series messages, check out the vimeo page

3 Tips to Build Community in Small Groups

Small groups are where people build community and grow in their relationship with God. I was reading today about how to build community in a book called, "The Big Book on Small Groups."  I wanted to share what I read in the building blocks of community chapter.

Check out the three foundational, rules of positive group communication: 

1. Gossip: Only speak about a group member when that member is present. When gossip is present, a group will fragment. When gossip is removed, group trust grows.

2. Confidentiality: What is spoken of in the group remains in the group. When confidentiality is destroyed, it hurts others. When it is kept private, students will express themselves more freely. But remember, if a student is harming themselves or someone else, we cannot keep that confidential.

3. Honesty: Every person, to the best of their ability, chooses to be honest. When people lie or mislead, an atmosphere of untruth permeates the group life; when trust is present, people grow in the faith and love for one another.

What would you add to the list to build community in small groups?