
4D Ultrasound Video

I enjoy learning the meaning of names. What is in a name? Have you ever wondered what your name means?

Find out: 

In today's culture, it seems that people pick names based upon popularity or style. Some names are chosen to be original while others choose a name based upon a family name sake.

In biblical times, a person's name was their identification. A namesake was given to help direct a person's life in who they would become and emulate. A name signifies a person's identity and belonging.

We pray that Micah will find his identity in Jesus Christ.

Name: Micah Jordan Robinson

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: Who is like God, Gift from God.

Micah is a gift from God. We prayed over a year to become pregnant. We are grateful that God has entrusted us with Micah. My prayer is that he will experience the love of Christ as he grows up. I've heard a lot of comments about how we will lose sleep and that life will never be the same. I am thankful that God gave Micah to us. What matters most in life always takes hard work and dedication. I'm nervous about being a Dad but I know that if I can be half the man my Dad was (Jimmy Robinson) to me, it will go well!

Micah's middle name, Jordan is a namesake to honor the life and legacy of my younger brother. I look forward to telling Micah about his uncle Jordan and how he lived for the glory of Jesus.

We are looking forward to his arrival in early September! Thank you for praying for him to grow healthy!

 Check out the 4D Ultrasound video of Micah!

Happy Anniversary Cassidy!

It is our 4 year anniversary! I'm beyond blessed with such an amazing wife. I am grateful she said "yes!" God's grace is shown by my wife. She is my best friend. I love spending my life with her and serving Jesus. We are heading to Orlando to celebrate for a few days!

"The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD." Proverbs 18:22

She loves Jesus. She loves me. She actually laughs at my jokes. She is patient (because it takes a lot to put up with me!). She is a great mother!

 Wedding Day - June 14th, 2008

Current Day