
Teach the Bible, Not Just Opinion

If I were to ask you what it means to teach the Bible, what would you say? I think many people have different ideas on what this means. Do we teach the Bible to people or do we teach people the Bible? Do we teach topical or exegetical? Do we have three points or just one?

All of the approaches are helpful when we take into account the power and truth of God's Word.

God's Word is alive and is powerful. If we do not believe this, we will replace the truth of the Bible with the next opinion of the day. Have we lost the expectancy of the scripture being alive and piercing to our hearts? Simply building a message on a whim or opinion loses the power of the gospel. A message from God's Word should always start and continue in God's Word. Giving God a courtesy call at the beginning and never referring to it anymore leads people to rely on the teacher's charisma and opinion more than finding the answers in the Bible. 

God's Word should be explained and expounded upon. Too much emphasis is placed upon whether a message is topical, verse-by-verse or one main thought. The Bible should be explained in a clear, passionate way. The people listening should be stirred by the background of the Bible. Who was Jesus talking to in the passage? Why is He speaking to them?

God's Word should be applied to our life. Without a clear explanation of the Bible then it cannot be applied correctly to our lives. In order to understand how to obey the Bible, we must first know the correct meaning of the context. Teaching the Bible should lead to life change. Give people clear takeaways as you land the message.

The Bible is relevant to our lives more than we give it credit. It is alive and powerful1! (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

What do you think about the need for teaching the Bible for life change? What would you add to the blog?


"The Dropbox" - Documentary Promo

I was moved watching this film promo about rescuing abandoned babies in South Korea. The film is coming out soon through Arbella Studios

Please take a few minutes to watch.

New Year's and New Goals

Happy New Year! 2013 truly flew by. I love the natural opportunity the new year brings my life. It helps me stop and focus upon what really matters. 2013 has been a blast! I love being a Dad, being a husband and serving God as a pastor. I have seen people come to Christ, be baptized and grow in their faith. God has done incredible things in 2013. I'm anticipating what He will do in this new year!

How many of you have thought of or are making new resolutions? Goals for the New Year?

A lot of us make goals for our physical lives, mainly. We might want to eat better, drink less caffeine, go to bed and wake up earlier, drink more water, and be nicer to family. All of these are great ways to reflect and look forward in life, but many times we are simply looking to fill the void with everything but what can truly fill our lives.

The truth is that everything minus Jesus equals nothing.

My goal this year is to become more like Jesus than I was in 2013. Nothing in this life will be more important than pursuing a relationship with Jesus.

At the heart of our goals, we should understand that external change happens through internal transformation. This is why I want to grow to know Christ more this year in these ways: - Focused prayer time talking and listening to God. - Reading His Word and asking God to change my mind, attitude and actions.

Paul understood the change that only God can bring and I resolve to focus my life on knowing Jesus more closely in 2014.

“I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. 8 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.” Philippians 3:7-8.

So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.” 1 Corinthians 9:26.

What about you? What are some goals you have for 2014?