
Sports Hero: Dustin Hopkins

I love stories of people using their platforms to point people to Jesus. Athletes who use their gifts and abilities to share Christ are my heroes. I know, I know. I'm a FSU fan. Dustin Hopkins is not only a great kicker but he has influenced people with his faith in Christ.

Dustin has the NCAA record for points scored by a kicker with 448 total.

Dustin's legacy will continue in the NFL where his platform and influence will grow. I hope our lives influence people to Jesus more than our performance.

Check out Dustin's story.


Student Ministry Funnel

large-funnelFinding ways to improve in ministry is what I'm looking for each day.

How do we help new students feel accepted?

What does my environment create?

Is there a place and people who welcome new students?

What ways can we help students take next steps towards Christ?

I spent some time with a friend of mine at LCBC weeks ago and we spent a few hours talking at a coffee shop about how we reach and connect students to God. What I learned were some clear steps on how to help students feel accepted from the moment they walk in the door.

Ministry is leading people to where God wants them to be.

Because we value students experiencing the love of Christ, they should know this immediately. Here is how we want to funnel students into our student ministry:

Greeters help build a welcoming environment. A small group of students will help alongside our adults, to greet the students as they arrive. First time guests will receive a can of candy as a gift.

"First 5" - As students enter the room, small groups will cluster together and spend the first five minutes answering a fun question. It helps create the welcoming environment for new students and helps the leaders know who they have to welcome in their small group. It can go longer than 5 minutes, but we want them to feel like it was over too soon, rather than drawn out.

Games - We spend around 10-15 minutes with our middle schoolers to create community.  High school students receive time to hang out together in the concourse before the gathering.

Welcome/Announcements: We follow the game with a quick welcome and reminder of what is coming up. We are trying to build an orientation statement such as,

"We are glad you are here especially if this is your first time! We are about to continue our series, "(insert series title)" so find your message notes, your Bible and a pen. After we all worship together, we will end the night in small groups."

What thoughts do you have on welcoming students? 

3 Minute Devotional: 1 Corinthians 9:1-3


"Am I not as free as anyone else? Am I not an apostle? Haven’t I seen Jesus our Lord with my own eyes? Isn’t it because of my work that you belong to the Lord? 2 Even if others think I am not an apostle, I certainly am to you. You yourselves are proof that I am the Lord’s apostle. 3 This is my answer to those who question my authority." 

(9:1). The word for “ministering” means basically a compassionate love toward the needy within a Christian community. Paul states that his purpose in writing is concerning the ministering or providing for the saints. The Corinthians had been taking up offerings for poor believers. This noble practice had caused Paul to hold them up as examples of generosity. Paul writes to the “saints.” The word here used for saints means holy, set apart, consecrated, separated, sanctified or devoted to God. Paul states that it is a privilege for him to be able to write.

(9:2). In verse two Paul lets the Corinthians know that he has been using them as role models to the Macedonians. He encourages them by saying that he knows of their willingness or forwardness to give. Paul then goes onto tell them the results of their willingness that he describes as “zeal”. The results of this zeal had “provoked very many”. The context of this verse has to do with giving so we must logically assume that those who were “provoked” were influenced to give in like manner.

(9:3). The word Paul uses for “brethren” means brother or one who has a general camaraderie based on a common origin. Paul says here that he send some of the believers so that the Corinthians would not be caught off-guard when the Macedonians arrived. Paul realized the potentially disastrous situation that could result if the Corinthians were found to be unfaithful. The Macedonians had been repeatedly told that the Corinthians were the role models for giving. If when they arrived and found the Corinthians to be greedy, selfish and stingy it would have the potential to destroy Paul’s reputation to the Macedonians and cause them to stumble. Paul uses a word to describe what his lifting up of the Corinthians would be if they were found to be unfaithful. That word is “vain” which means empty or void.

Giving reveals our heart.

As Paul talks about the power of giving, what are areas of your life that God wants you to be more generous?

Our giving should set a Righteous example (9:1-2). Our giving should be substantial (9:2) Our giving should be willing (9:2).

We should be always Ready to give (9:3). We should be alert to opportunities to give (9:3).