
Welcome Feedly, Goodbye Google Reader

feedlyGoogle reader apparently is dying. Honestly, I'm not a blog expert. I never enjoyed the complexity of figuring out how rss feeds work and how to link them.

Now the question is for those of us who write or read blogs, "What is the best way to keep up with blogs?" For all of those who are newbies, I'm mainly talking to you.

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Have you ever wondered how to keep up with all of the amazing blogs in the blogosphere? I have found one and it is my favorite.

Feedly is smooth and easy to read. The apps for iPad and iPhone are excellent and easy to utilize. I would encourage you to check out feedly, it is my favorite way to read all the blogs I love in one place.

It is an easy process to import your google reader feed into feedly. When you login into feedly it will automatically sync up with your google reader. You can add your favorite blogs by their URL or by their feed.

While you are at it, why not subscribe to the blog so you can keep up via email or a blog reader like feedly.

What are your thoughts on reading blogs and the fazing out of google reader? What blog reader do you use? 

Tips on Welcoming Students (Guest post at More than Dodgeball)

Screen Shot 2013-03-17 at 7.18.18 PMHave you ever walked into a place where you did not know anyone? Do you remember what you were thinking? Just imagine this story:

The day before Wednesday night, you were invited by a friend at school to come to church. Your friend even gave you an invite card with a cool design on it. Even though you aren’t a “church person” you decide to give it a try. Your Dad begrudgingly decided to take you but made a few comments on the drive. He said, “you know son, churches are all messed up, that is why I don’t go. I think it is good you are going but son, don’t get your hopes up, most of the those people are hypocrites anyway.” As he gets out of the vehicle, he quickly notices the buzz of people whizzing by. He sees people smiling. He watches adult leaders giving high-five’s and fist bumps. He is unsure. He thinks, “Is this church filled with uncaring people? What will happen when I walk in? Is my friend inside? I wonder where I will sit? I don’t have a Bible, I sure hope nobody calls on me to read or pray.” He decides to go for it. He walks in the door as an adult leader welcomes him with the love of Christ. He begins to wonder, “Will I belong here? Will I find people who truly care about my life?”

(Read more at More Than Dodgeball)