
Abandon Weekend 2013 Recap!

LOGO-SMALL-Abandon-2013-1000x1000What do you get when 500 students and leaders join together to serve God together?

Life change. 

We finished a great weekend serving the community with over 500+ students from churches in the area! I love partnering with other groups and serving together. Our purpose at Abandon weekend was simply to be the hands and feet of Christ.

I'm grateful for other student leaders who didn't just plan another "get-together" but instead led students out on mission for Christ. If we only tell students how to serve God and never put it into action, I believe we stunt their spiritual growth.

Students learned to serve with all of their heart. Students responded to Christ.

What an amazing weekend!

We were excited to see that the Ocala Star Banner covered the story and shared it with the community.

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