Teaching series: Rhythm – Week 2 “Discovering Life in Christ”
Main Thought: Jesus died so He could be our life, not just part of it.
Length of service: 70 minutes. We have separate teaching time for middle school and high school. We have a unified worship experience with the band in the middle of the evening. We have small groups immediately after the teaching and response by grade and gender.
Source Schedule Explanation:
Messsage Explanation: A whole generation is asking these questions about their existence:
1. Why am I here?
2. What is my purpose?
- World says: There is no purpose, nothing really matters.
- Bible says: To bring glory to God (Gen. 3:8, Ex. 25).
We find the wonder in the rescue of Jesus and now we pursue a life of becoming like Christ (Mark 8:34-37). Jesus says that losers are winners. We weren’t just saved from something; we were saved to something. Jesus living through you only happens when we think less of ourselves and our performance and more of Jesus and his performance for us. We don’t just die; we die to live. The truth is that Jesus + Nothing = everything. Have you died with Christ and forgotten the old self? If so, is Christ living in and through you?
Scripture: Galatians 2:20, Mark 8:34-37.
Element of fun: We had a middle school game called, "iPod idol." Students came up and received a pre-planned ipod with random hit songs on the playlist. They had to sing it with the earbuds in their ears to everyone through the microphone. It was hilarious! The winner received a new Source t-shirt as a prize!
Music Set: We are the Free, Love, Only To You, Your Lover Never Fails, Forever Reign, Jesus Paid it All (Closing)
Favorite Moment: Two high school guys responded to Christ. It was a great night of worship and relationship building with the students.
What’s Next: We will be continuing our series “Rhythm” next week. We will be talking about living a passionate life in how we love one another.