
NSN Part 3: Words are Heavy


Navigating social networking is a key part of today's culture. How do parents lead their families to use social networking in a healthy way? How do we use social networking as a tool for ministry? Words are heavy. We have all seen it happen as cyber bullying or an emotional outburst on Facebook or twitter. As followers of Christ, we have the power of the Holy Spirit. In one minute words can bring encouragement and life to others. In another minute our words can hurt deeply.

Words reveal our heart.

“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Matthew 12:34

You see, the words that come out of our mouth originate from the heart.

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” Ecclesiastes 5:2

Just because we have freedom of speech does not mean it gives us a right to publicly hurt others. But what if we are just being honest? We always need to be transparent but use words that display love and kindness. Social networking gives us an opportunity. Use it to encourage others or tear others down.

 Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29.

Tips to remember when updating your status:

- Is what I am about to write consistent with what God says about me or others? -Do I need to stop, pray and ask the question, "is this the wise thing to do?" - If I post this, do I know it is entirely true? - Will what I say be used to build others up or tear others down? - What I write is permanently sealed online if captured at the moment I post.

What would you add? What are your thoughts about the power of words?

Source SM Review: Volume #2


Teaching series: “Focus”- Why we are here and what God has called us to be as a ministry!

Main Teaching  point: God wants us to live a sacrificial life of worship.

Length of service: 55 minutes. 2 separate services for middle and high school.

Message Explanation: Jared did a great job explaining the importance of living a life of worship. It is much more than music but a daily sacrifice to God in all areas of life. Key scripture: Romans 12:1-2 – “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you."

 Element of fun:  We showed a video of one of our leaders named Jason. He has a great sense of humor and did a great job making a video of some guidelines for the student ministry! This is only the beginning of creating videos for the ministry!

Music Set:  Our God, Mighty to Save, Awakening, Heart of Worship (closing).

 Favorite Moment: Seeing students worship God freely. One great moment was seeing brothers embrace and pray with each other at the altar. It is amazing to see God's Spirit moving in the student ministry.

Next week:  We are off for Memorial Day weekend. We are beginning a new summer series called "Doin Work" starting on June! We will be teaching through the book of James in June and July. We are looking forward to the lives that will be changed this summer!

NSN Part 2: Use it for Ministry


I remember the days before I had a cell phone. When I turned 18 I was able to buy my first Nokia cell phone! It was a great moment! I could play the game "snake" and call my friends wherever I went. The technology was amazing but as I look back, that phone is no longer useful compared to current technology. We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing culture.

We have a choice. Do we embrace technology or run away from it?

The church has responded. Some using it as a tool and others pushing it away. Using social networking/technology as a vital tool in ministry.

Why is it important? Simply communication. Paul wrote to the Corinthians about being "all things...." We have an opportunity to creativity communicate the gospel to a broken world.

Social networking is not a replacement to face-to-face interaction. It is simply a tool. 

Tips on using social networking for ministry? 

- Twitter: Sign up and begin one personally. Use it as a way to share your life experiences and thoughts that God lays on your heart. Use it to share scripture, blog posts, quotes and encouragements to others. I think in the next few years, twitter will overtake Facebook and email. I think it will be a primary communication tool in the future (unless something else overtakes it). Sign up and being one for your ministry. Make it simple for people to remember and make sure it is updated at least twice per week. If you do not update it, it has lost its purpose and you will lose any following and chance to impact others. Upload your ministry logo and explain in the description

- Facebook: Everyone seems to have an account these days, even grandparents! Facebook is the primary tool to communicate to all ages. I would have a page for your ministry to update and keep current. Group pages are useful but are more exclusive because it takes more time to add new people. I prefer a "page" that people can like on Facebook. It is easier to join and less cluttered. I am a part of a few youth pastor closed groups on Facebook that are helpful in sharing thoughts, encouragement and ideas. Click here for helpful tips to link accounts together to make it easier to update multiple accounts.

The most important aspect is making sure the updates are consistent and timely.

What else would you add? How do we do a better job of using social networking for ministry?