
Empty Words


  "Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." Ephesians 4:29 (NLT).

We all communicate. We use body language, facial expressions, and words. Words are powerful! How many times have we heard, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" Almost everyone agrees this statement is false! We all remember the words that were spoken to us 10+ years ago. The words sting just as much as the first time. Our words can be empty with defeat of filled with life to encourage others. 

God has been chipping away at me, especially in how I use my words to people. Some of the time it is not the words I'm using, but the attitude and heart of what I am saying to my friends, students and my wife. We have tremendous power with our words. We can use opportunities to speak life into others or to tear them down. I have been guilty so many times of using empty words to hurt others because of my own insecurity and self-preservation. Insecurity masks itself as a bold confidence many times. How many times have I used empty words that are filled with defeat rather than victory? My prayer is that my words will give life and grace for people to have hope in Christ. Jesus said, "And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak" Matthew 12:36. We will take an account of our words, we need to be wise in our words.

God has been chipping away at me, especially in how I use words in my prayers. Am I going to Jesus first and worshipping Him every day? Many times I focus on reading my Bible looking for a new message idea, topic or illustration. Instead God is telling me to consume my heart into His heart. Be still. Listen. Stop. Wait. The urge to do more is the tempting response in ministry when we are hurting. Those who are facing the most spiritual warfare and discouragement are the ones on the front of the battle lines. The world teaches that peace is found in surrender to selfishness. Empty prayers are saying "pre-packaged" statements that are filled with tradition. God desires honesty, transparency and humility. God desires a clean and contrite heart.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to go through life with empty words to God and others. Are you using words to build others up or tear them down?


Football and Discipleship

But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:14-17.

The importance of discipleship is a key element to the Christian life. You probably ask the question, “Why should I learn about this?” The importance of knowing Jesus more in your life is the key to success in life. It is like this: two guys named Frank and Joe who went out to try out for a college football team. Frank had never picked up a football or had any experience, but he had watched football games on TV and thought it looked pretty simple. Joe grew up playing football and had spent all summer working out in the gym and practicing drills. Frank and Joe get to the field and Frank is dreaming of greatness on the gridiron, as Joe stretches and prepares himself for the strenuous tryout. As the tryout started, Frank started out doing alright, catching a few passes. As time went on Frank began to get tired and fell down on his back heaving for air. Joe began the tryout with preparation and a sense of confidence. As time went on Joe stood out among all the other players because of his dedication in the off-season.

Which person would you like to be on the same team with? Which guy was disciplined and was a leader on the field? The same concept applies to our life, if we expect to grow as a follower of Christ and expect to be immediately in the super bowl, you will be discouraged. The need of discipleship is an integral part of the Christian life, just like Joe preparing himself for the tryout. The way that I would define discipleship is to become more like Jesus. The real question is why should we do discipleship in church?

 Let’s look at 2 Timothy 3:14-17. Paul was writing to Timothy about being a man of God. How do we become people of God? Paul tells the younger Timothy in verse 14 about how it is important to cling to the truths of scripture without compromise. Timothy had the privilege of hearing the Scripture through his family. Timothy was not as strong in the Lord as Paul, but he had a strong foundation of faith. In verse 16-17, it talks about how scripture is given by inspiration of God. The best way to understand why we need discipleship is that our Christian life is nothing without the Word of God. It is God’s love letter to you as a believer. The word Theopneustos literally means “breathed out by God or “God breathed.” We need to understand as a church that the Bible is given to us as a guide to follow in life. Do we follow it and spend time in it? That is why we need discipleship in this church. Paul encourages Timothy in verse 17 to become equipped and complete to fulfill good works.

You might ask the question, what does this passage mean to us today? What is the big deal with discipleship, can’t we just meet, hang out and go home? Jesus came to save us from ourselves and our sin, once we receive the gift of salvation, the journey is not over. So how can we understand this in a clear way, what if you are on a hike through the woods and you could choose two different guides. John said he knew all the trails and did not need a map, but Sally had a map and compass to guide her group. Which person would you follow? Of course our answer is Sally, but how many times in life do we find the easy way out? Discipleship is allowing God's Word to guide us!

 Knowledge is a good thing, but it won’t have any affect on your life unless you apply it. The first thing you have to realize is that it takes a willing, surrendered heart to Christ for the church to become what it needs to become.We have the Guidebook ready to follow, but will we pick it up and act upon the importance of discipleship? If we applied the same passion we have for college football to following Christ, you would see changed lives! Do the small things by spending time with Jesus daily and following His Spirit throughout your day.

Book Review: "Let the Nations be Glad"

This book was a look into the perspective of God’s supremacy in missions. John Piper is a well-known author and speaker in the evangelical circles. He has been a Pastor at Bethlehem Baptist church in Minneapolis, Minnesota since 1980. He has written twenty books that focus on God’s supremacy in all things and seeing the joy of Jesus in all people. John Piper gives many insights into the focus of missions being on seeing God glorified. His three-part outline of the purpose, power, and price of missions emphasize the right heart attitude on worship, prayer, and suffering. His focal point was on missions being God-centered and doing everything to bring glory and fame to His name. The focus on worship is the basis for why missions is done, to glorify God. The focus of prayer is the advancement of the kingdom and giving Him glory for always providing for His children. The biblical emphasis was not upon praying to better a person’s well-being but to finish the course of a life of service to Jesus. Prayer is warfare against Satan and the Christian using the Word of God to combat the attacks of the enemy. Another aspect of prayer that is foundational for missions is the believer’s joy may be full. Also, prayer without the Word being preached will not glorify God; both are inseparable to achieve a balanced mission to the world.

Suffering was another point that the author focused on in the book. The biblical emphasis was on when a person comes to Christ they must die to themselves that is built off of Luke 9:23. Jesus’ substitutionary atonement on the cross paid for the punishment from God, but not from suffering and loving people like He loved them. The focal point is that believers should accept any suffering that comes from doing what Jesus did. The supremacy of Christ is the focus of saving faith. The hearing of the Word is our calling as believers to a lost and dying world. The supremacy of God among all the nations was on how God’s love relates to missions. It is defining missions the way God says and then following through on His will. The Great Commission was given to command us to reach all people with the gospel and the focus on the authority of Christ over everything. The focus on compassion for man’s soul was an explanation of worship being the basis for glorifying God in missions. A biblical view on the reality of an eternal Hell is important in having compassion for missions and mobilizing believers to act.

Worship is defined by, “…manifold external expressions in life and liturgy.” Worship is a lifestyle and that is an outer expression of an inward devotion to Christ. Worship is not a place, but in Jesus Christ and Him alone. The essence of worship is the satisfaction with God in Christ. The implication is a people who will seek God above all things knowing that He is the only one that can satisfy.

The author’s focus on God’s supremacy was a passionate look at the heart of missions. It is correct in its basis in glorifying God through worship being and it energizing missions. The author was correct in explaining prayer as a way of knowing God’s will and advancing the Kingdom. It is not seeking to change God’s mind and Him doing what man wants, but joining God on His mission to seek and save the lost. It is important to note that God’s grace is what gives a person each breath and that prayer is humbly coming before a loving and mighty God. A wrong view on prayer is using it to better one’s lot her on earth, but to seek God’s face and finding satisfaction in Him alone.

Suffering is an issue that affects the church today in a profound way. Piper took a biblical stance on the issue and it was correct in every way. The reason it is a good look was in its reference to Jesus’ command for us to “deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him.” To put to death a person’s own will and desires is where one finds God’s will where the fullness of joy is found. Missions is a hard task and is usually brings people out of their comfort zone, but if it is God’s will then God will deliver the needed contentment. The fullness of joy is found in Jesus and serving Him, whether you are in America or Africa. Relevance on this issue was felt on the chapter on suffering and is a needed focus of the modern church to understand and apply. The author was accurate in his explanation of a believer experiencing suffering, without it then one is not a true follower of Christ. Defending the faith with a life of sacrifice will include suffering and is exactly what Christ went through for the world.

God’s sovereignty is an issue that needs to be accepted by Christians to learn to trust God. Missions is faith-based and without an accurate belief in it, then missions will not be set on God being in control. The author takes a strong stand upon this principle and it should be understood and balanced with the rest of the counsel of the word of God. It is important to not take it too far and use God’s sovereignty as a license to live care-free thinking that believers do not have a mandate to live in a way that is above reproach. A biblical view of missions was explained in this book and evaluating it has shown that it is a clear example of God-centered missions. The statement of doing missions to glorify God and not just based on the Great Commission and love for sinners is a good insight. It is a great look that if a person is glorifying God then they will love sinners and follow God’s command to reach the world with the gospel. There is a need for re-thinking on reaching America and the world with the gospel of Jesus, long-lasting traditions are becoming more rare. The need for biblical answers that are from Jesus and His commands will change lives all across the globe, not handling missions the way some might think should be done. This book was a fresh look at God’s supremacy and seeing Jesus glorified in missions. Implementation of these principles will benefit any believer seeking to serve God through missions and in the end God will get all the glory that is due to His almighty name.